Please note:
All cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, non-refundable, and near-untraceable. A QR Code of a cryptocurrency wallet address such as Bitcoin is not linked to a personal identity or geographic location - online or offline. Therefore, all Localcoin transactions are final and non-refundable [see Localcoin's Terms of Service §2 & 3].
Firstly, we recommend you take the following actions as soon as possible:
- Report your incident to the Commonwealth Fraud Prevention Centre, see how on their website here.
- Report the scam to your local or territory police on 131 444 or by their website:
- Scamwatch if related to an email, online or telephone scam including scams from interstate or overseas.
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission if related to a financial/investment scam or fraud
- Crime Stoppers if you require to anonymously make the report.
- If applicable - Notify the gaming site, dating site, job site, or social media site where you first encountered the third party to inform them of a fraudulent member.
Next, please contact our Support Team and include:
- A written statement containing a detailed description of what happened to you (who contacted you, what did they say, what were you asked to do, etc.);
- A reference to your transaction. Ideally, the Transaction ID is the easiest way to locate your transaction which is found on the receipt. If you do not have this, please provide a description of the date, time, location, and amount of the transaction.
- Any screenshots of the individual(s) who contacted you. This can be a screenshot of the text messages they sent you or conversations via email.
We will contact you with any follow-up questions we may have regarding this situation.
For more information on what to do if you are a victim, follow this link to the Scamwatch guide on: What to do if you've been scammed.
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